Sunday, June 24, 2007

POC & Public Health

I was just in Piedmont Park (Atlanta Pride) today and yesterday for 8 hrs each doing Hep Vaccinations, and a pure travesty and epiphany actualized itself right in front of me. We gave out 196 vaccinations yesterday and about 130 today, and the vast majority were white people. So you are probably wondering where my issue lies? With the fact that the majority of the people of color (regardless of gender) who walked by our booth didn't feel like Hepatitis was important to them to even receive information about the vaccine, let alone receive the FREE vaccination. Public Health is one of the only entities in this country that exists that mostly EVERYONE will have to come into contact with in some capacity or another for one reason or another. The fact that our people and our community is disproportionately affected by SEVERAL diseases and yet enough of us aren't concerned and doing something about it is very disturbing. Some of us sit very posh and on this "platform" as if we are immune to everything including death itself. Some of us are so concerned about "making it hot" or "just getting by" without regard to our of decisions impact our lives in the future and the current conditions of this community.

I have been in community building and activism as well as public health for well over 10 years total, and it was only recently that I accepted a position with an agency where I am actually being paid a salary to do this work. Prior to, I was making it hot in the community voluntarily and with the passion and force like I WAS being paid. I don't assume everyone will take up stock and responsibility as I have, or even close....I would like to impress upon people that caring and loving yourself is of the utmost importance to living a healthy quality life. I challenge everyone to love yourself a little more each day....just because something might not be affecting you now, doesn't mean it wont in the future.

I apologize for my tirade, but sometimes the attitudes of some in the community take me there.


Anye Elite said...

I'd hate to make excuses for people. But unfortunately like you said "making it hot" and just getting by are primary concerns of African-Americans. I would even suggest that the majority are focused on the latter. Since so many are struggling to "get by" when a moment of rest comes along they wish to take. It is the struggle of your profession to continue to present information that is often potential source of worry to people who are already overwhelmed with "trying to get by". But I know you and your colleagues will succeed be encouraged!

Anonymous said...

One of lifes lessons young one is that life and love can only truly exist where it is nourished and cultivated...