Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Sunday of Atlanta Transition

Greetings Brothers, Sisters and All:


I hope this email finds each and every one of you in the best of health and spirits.  I want to first salute Brother Khalid Kamau for having the vision more than one year ago to resurrect Second Sunday of Atlanta, an organization that had all but dissolved and faded.  I also want to salute Brothers Rafer, Jon, Claude, Keon, Stephaun, Jaleel and Anthony for their leadership and involvement with the rebuilding of such a needed and desired organization for Black Gay Men in Atlanta – Second Sunday.  We recognize Atlanta as being a true Black Gay Mecca and having organizations in place that provide a much needed component for us becomes even more crucial.


As we turn a page in the history of the organization, this email is a Call to Leadership.  Now is the time for Black Gay Men in Atlanta who are concerned about the future and direction of our Beloved Community to step forward and become involved with the CHANGE we seek.  As the Acting Chairman of our Board of Directors, I am asking responsible, committed and concerned Black Gay Men in Atlanta to step to the plate and be the change we seek.  We can sit on the sidelines and complain, we have to get in to the fold and make change.


We have to ask ourselves WHAT we are willing to do to make OUR community better; all of us are getting older and we need to ensure the next community of brothers have an organization in place that serves them.  I know there are challenges around the direction we are headed as a country and organization; however we'll end up ANYWHERE if we don't have a sound plan for what we want to become and do as an organization.  So, where are our Black Gay Men?  Where are those who constantly say we need more from our community and have the time, resources and talent to give more – BUT DON'T?  This email is in no way trying to beat up on the brothers, I love us too much for that.  It is to turn the mirror around and ask "what are WE willing to do?" 


There are THREE of us actively involved in serving on the Board of Directors, Anthony, Keon and myself – we need more brothers to be involved.  Each second Sunday of the month, we do the best we can to ensure that the 40 or so brothers that show up have a safe space to meet in, a quality topic and facilitator and fair time to network afterwards.  We know more brothers want to come, they just don't know we exist.  If you want more, we need you to be involved. 


It's as easy as 1,2,3 to get involved:  1. Email me ( and let me know you want to be involved.  2.  Call me (404-454-5469) and let me know you want to be involved. 3.  Show up on the 2nd Sunday of October and let me know you want to be involved.  Please consider your place in history and what future generations of Black Gay Men are asking us to do.  Now is the time for CHANGE!!!  We are responsible for making sure tomorrow is better for those on the way.




L. Montee Jamal Evans,

Acting Chair  --  Board of Directors

Second Sunday of Atlanta, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia

C: 404-454-5469


Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;

nothing on Earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

--- Thomas Jefferson


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