Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't Let This Man Steal Your Vote!!!!!


George Bush has nominated a champion of voter suppression to serve on the Federal Election Commission. His name is Hans von Spakovsky. With your help, we can stop him.

Von Spakovsky is unfit to serve on the FEC. As a result of his work promoting photo ID requirements for voters, tens of thousands of students, low income people and seniors may be denied the right to vote in December. He has demonstrated blatant political bias and inappropriate behavior in his previous work at the Department of Justice. The Senate should vote "no" and refuse to confirm him.

I hope you'll have a look and take action.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a little more conservative than most in the political spectrum. I agree with Spakovsky's work in promoting photo ID requirements to vote.

We have serious problems with our voting procedures and agenda. Why not rquire people to show their driver's liscense/photo id (sate issued) when they cast their ballot. It will stop some of the disputes between voting numbers, and whether legally they are allowed to vote.

I also sign the petition and will continue to support this matter